The Journées de la culture 2024 in Sutton

From September 27 to 29, 2024, take part in the Journées de la culture, an opportunity to take part in free cultural activities in Sutton that are accessible to all. Whether you are on your own, with family or friends, immerse yourself in the creative universe of local artists and organizations to learn more about Sutton’s heritage and explore various means of artistic expression.

Here is the program of activities offered by cultural organizations recognized by the Town of Sutton.

The Sutton School of Art Open House

The Sutton School of Art is pleased to invite you to its Open House. On the program:

  • The exhibition-encan of collective works from the 2024 art camp season;
  • Plant exhibition by Stéphanie Wang of Le Rizen farm;
  • The architecture exhibition of Lab-École le Zénith by the firm Pelletier de Fontenay;
  • Original paintings by Peter Schumann, founder of Bread and Puppet Theatre.

Visitors of all ages can take part in the Labo d’art and discover the themes proposed by artist Camille Panchaud-Lefebvre: an invitation to explore various techniques and mediums among friends. Take advantage of the riverside site for a picnic while listening to a series of live music concerts.  You’ll also have the chance to meet their team members and guest artists: Teprine Baldo, Iona Fournier-Tombs, William Desjardins and Michelle Pinard, Joa Beaudoin, Félix Provencher and Coralie Roy, Julie Méalin, Kim Craft, Amélie Bélanger and Fanny Desroches, Léa Mercante, Martin Laporte, Étienne Plante, Mikaël Theimer, Lhénia Gagnon, Pascale Nadeau, Cécile Martin, Jean-Hervé Désiré, Julie Valois, Nathalie Rivard, Fannie and Geneviève d’Extravaganz’arts.

Sutton School of Art
Friday September 27 to Sunday September 29
Noon to 4 p.m.79
79, Principale Street South, Sutton
Free activities for the whole family
No registration required

Showcase for the “Take care of our destination together” project

As recently announced, the Sutton Economic Development Corporation (CDES), in collaboration with the D’Arts et de rêves organization, invites you to take part in the Showcase event to “Take Care of Our Destination Together”. The trail co-creation project aims to showcase soft mobility, culture, landscapes, heritage and more, in a sustainable way. To date, over 200 people have taken part in the process. This has already helped to break down silos and bring out a unifying project. The two-day event will feature a presentation of the project and the creation of a monumental outdoor collective work. Don’t miss the chance to add your own color!

D’Arts et de rêves
Saturday September 28 and Sunday September 29
From 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
57, rue Principale Nord, Sutton
No registration required
FB link to the invitation to this Showcase event
For further information: Janna Hubacek, project manager [email protected]

Intergenerational Heritage Rally

Created by FADOQ Les Deux-Monts, the Intergenerational Heritage Rally offers a guided tour of Sutton’s heritage sites that you never knew existed, while making new acquaintances in the process!

The rally takes place by car (with a few steps to take at each stop) in the surrounding hamlets, in the company of animators.

Sunday, September 29
8:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Registration required by e-mail at [email protected]
or by phone at 579 488-7812
Departure: Sutton Junction Community Hall, 132 chemin du Mont-Écho

Concert d’ondes Martenot et piano Bösendorfer

La société de concert Vivarté vous invite à assister, gratuitement, à un concert offert dans le lieu pittoresque et historique de Glen Sutton. En plus d’un répertoire de musique française incluant, entre autres, les plus belles pages de Debussy, Satie et Fauré, vous aurez l’occasion d’entendre cet instrument électrique rare que sont les “ondes Martenot”. C’est dans la magnifique église historique de Glen Sutton que Geneviève Grenier, ondiste, et Joanne Bégin, pianiste, vous feront découvrir les sonorités des ondes mêlées à celles du piano à queue Bösendorfer récemment restauré. Le concert sera suivi d’une période de questions.

Dimanche 29 septembre
De 15 h à 16 h 30
Église historique de Glen Sutton
1458, chemin de la Vallée-Missisquoi, Sutton

Les Journées de la culture sont une initiative portée par Culture pour tous, visant à démocratiser la culture, mettre en valeur les talents des artistes et artisans locaux et encourager la participation citoyenne. Ne manquez pas cette occasion de vous engager activement dans la vie culturelle de votre communauté! Joignez-vous à nous pour célébrer ensemble la richesse culturelle de Sutton.

Pour consulter l’ensemble de la programmation de l’événement au Québec, cliquez ici.