A golden jack to inaugurate the petanque court and the place Rosanne-Cohen

The Town of Sutton is proud to have inaugurated, on Monday, its new petanque court — henceforth called “Place Rosanne-Cohen” — in the presence of Johanne Gauvin, director of the constituency office of the MNA for Brome-Missisquoi, Isabelle Charest, Lynda Graham, substitute mayor and councillor for district 5, as well as René Daigle, husband of the late councillor Rosanne Cohen.

René Daigle, Johanne Gauvin and Lynda Graham ready to throw the golden jack

Under ideal weather conditions, the event welcomed about fifty people, including organizations such as FADOQ Les Deux-Monts, who were particularly involved in the project for the benefit of our seniors and our entire population. As announced in our March 18 news, the existing petanque court was completely renovated to make a double court, complete with lights, benches, tables and plants, making this space a friendly community place, in the shade of large mature maples, in the heart of the village.

“I was approached by petanque players as a councilwoman in July of 2020 asking for this renovation,” said Lynda Graham. “And here we are today with the answer to that request! The success of this project is the result of a remarkable team effort between our Recreation, Community Life and Culture Department and our Public Works and Fixed Assets Department. The work was completed by our own departments, on time and on budget.”

“This is a project of which Ms. Charest is very proud”, announced Johanne Gauvin during her speech, “your MNA is committed to increasing the practice of sports and recreation for all citizens of Brome-Missisquoi. Let’s recall that it is the Programme d’infrastructures pour les Municipalités amies des aînés (PRIMADA) of the MAMH that granted a $28,850 subsidy on this $60,000 project. Congratulations to the Town Council, the Town’s administration and the citizens who submitted their project for this grant program,” she concluded before wishing everyone a summer of activity and fun!

Tribute to Rosanne Cohen

The site is now named Rosanne Cohen Place in honour of our City Councillor from 2017 until her untimely death in 2020. “Rosanne was responsible for the community life file and impressed both her fellow councillors and citizens with her empathy, dedication to the district she represented and her big heart. I am proud to have had Rosanne as a friend,” said Lynda Graham with feeling.

Accompanied by Rosanne’s family, her husband, René Daigle, also took the floor to express his emotion and gratitude to see his wife’s municipal commitment recognized in this way.

Official throwing of the golden jack!

Together, Johanne Gauvin, Lynda Graham and René Daigle finally inaugurated the place by throwing a golden jack as the official opening of the petanque courts. The jack is the small wooden ball that is thrown first, which the players must then approach as close as possible by throwing their steel balls. Several friendly games of petanque between the participants concluded this beautiful evening.

We invite all of our citizens to enjoy their two beautiful new petanque courts!