Animation and Accompanying Days: thank you to the dynamic team of the Sutton municipal day camp!

As part of the Journées de l’animation et de l’accompagnement (Animation and Accompanying Days) taking place from July 16 to 18, the Town of Sutton would like to thank and congratulate this summer’s day camp team! 

The Journées de l’animation et de l’accompagnement (JDAA) were created to highlight the exceptional work of animation and accompaniment staff in Quebec, as well as the significant contribution they make to all the young people who spend time with them daily in recreation settings. 

Thanks to them, children enrolled in the municipal day camp have an adventure-filled summer: activities in nature, outings to the zoo and water slides, sports, arts and magic are all on the schedule!

In addition, this year, the Sutton Day Camp is back at full capacity: 5-day week, Monday to Friday, with over 45 children registered per week! 

The team at the Town of Sutton’s municipal day camp is composed of caring, motivated and skilled people who take their work to heart:

« It’s beautiful and encouraging to see the kids who love coming to camp, to see a smile on their faces »
– Cactus, assistant animator, 7-9 age group

« At Sutton Day Camp, we’re like a little community and a big family. The kids get to know us, and we do the same as the summer progresses »
– Buzz, animator, 10-12 age group

« At the end of the day, I love being with kids. They tire me out in the best way »
 – King Julian, animator, 7-9 age group

« I enjoy working with kids, being outside all day and experiencing new activities every day »
– Mango, shadow and animator, 4-6 age group

From left to right: King Julian – animator, Cactus – assistant animator, Buzz – animator, Pink – animator, Cashou – assistant animator, Flora – chief animator and Mango – animator and shadow day camp animator.
Absent from photo: Bambou – assistant animator and Grenadine – coordinator.

JDAA is supported by the Conseil québécois du loisir and its 6 partners in the DAFA program (Diplôme d’aptitude aux fonctions d’animateur). DAFA is a national training program in animation that meets the high standards of the recreation and sports sector. Before camp started, the team received this program, which totals more than 30 hours of training, organized by the day camp coordinator. They also received 7 hours of First Aid training. It was important to us that our team receives the best possible preparation for summer 2024.

To you, dear animators and shadow day camp animators, thank you for being the inspiration our young people need! Keep up the good work!