73-5-2024 |
- By-Law amending By-Law number 73 concerning Site Planning and Architectural Integration Plans, as amended, in order to add rustic campgrounds to the scope of application of the Mountain sector
73-4-2023 |
73-3-2021 |
73 |
116-4-2024 |
- Subdivision By-Law amending Subdivision By-Law Number 116, as amended, in order to adjust provisions relating to driveways and private roads within an integrated project and to specify the standards applicable in the event of a contradiction between the Specifications Grid and the Subdivision By-Law
116-3-2021 |
- Subdivision By-Law amending Subdivision By-Law number 116-1 as amended, in order to add article 2.11
116 |
- Subdivision By-Law translates in regulatory terms the concerns which aim to structure and organize the land and the definition of standards as well as the conditions to be met when subdividing and identifying land. (administrative version)
117-4-2023 |
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- Minor Exemptions By-Law provides for an exception whereby the council may authorize the performance or projected work or the regularization of work in progress or completed work when the work does not satisfy all provisions of the zoning or subdivision By-Laws.
All provisions in the zoning and subdivision By-Laws may be subject to minor exemptions except where they concern:
- Usage;
- Net density of housing units per acre;
- Floor area ratio;
- Works permitted on the shoreline, littoral and in the flood-risk areas;
- Protected rights;
- Zones where land use is subject to specific constraints for public safety reasons;
- Construction and prohibited types of construction;
- Authorized exterior cladding materials.
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- Comprehensive Development Programs By-Law in one part of the Mountain sector and on the site occupied by the old Filtex factory. Projects submitted for these sectors must meet certain criteria and go through an approval process that involves amending the urban planning by-laws.
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188-2-2023 |
- Conditional Uses By-Law amending By-Law number 188 regarding conditional uses, in order to integrate provisions relating to lodging establishments in tourist residences
188-1 |
- Conditional Uses By-Law amending by-law number 188 to ensure correspondence between the wording used in the zoning by-law for conditional uses authorized in zones RUR 05, RUR-06, RUR 09, RUR 10, RUR 11 and PAM 07 to PAM 09
188 |
- Conditional Uses By-Law introduces flexibility into a By-Law which allows for the implantation, following an evaluation procedure, of uses that are acceptable for the population and compatible with the environment without the need to change the regulation each time.
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- Outdoor Lighting By-Law controls the type of lighting installed on private properties to maintain Sutton’s natural landscape features and to limit the intrusive lighting on neighboring property.
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251-7-2024 |
- Permits and Certificates By-Law amending By-Law number 251, as amended, concerning permits and certificates, in order to adjust provisions relating to documents required for the construction of a driveway
251-6-2023 |
- Permits and Certificates By-Law amending By-Law number 251 relating to permits and certificates, as amended, to include provisions regarding lodging establishments as principal residences and tourist residences
251-5-2021 |
- Permits and Certificates By-Law amending By-Law regarding permits and certificates number 251 as amended to bring paragraphs (9) and (10) of section 52 into line with the Architects Act and to clarify the acquired rights referred to in paragraph (10) of section 53.
251-4-2021 |
- Permits and Certificates By-Law modifying the By-Law regarding permits and certificates number 251 as amended to add elements to the required information and documents, and to clarify paragraph (10) of article 53.
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