Aquatic Activities: Registration for adult classes completed
The Recreation, Community Life and Culture Department would like to thank everyone who came out on Monday to register for this summer’s aquatic activities at the municipal pool.
The places available for the adult courses were filled quickly, not only because of the growing interest in these activities, but especially because of the quotas of participants imposed by the current health regulations. In fact, the number of people in each class is currently limited to 12 because of the space available in our pool calculated according to the required distance of 2 m and the instructions of the Association des responsables aquatiques du Québec (ARAQ), which we follow rigorously. Please note that in the yellow zone—where we will be on June 14th—, the 2m distance will still be imposed.
Unfortunately, about thirty people are on the waiting list. Therefore, in order to satisfy as many people as possible, we are pleased to announce that three new aquafitness classes (Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday) have been added. At the same time, the number of registrations per person will be limited in order to offer more chances to others. Thus, the number of classes per week and per person has been restricted to three for those already enrolled and to one for those on the waiting list. Each person concerned by the situation has been or will soon be contacted individually.
Registration for children’s classes is still open as long as there is space available.
For any additional information, please contact Lévika Gonzalez, aquatic coordinator, at 450 538-2290 or by email at [email protected].