CAB Sutton will have a new location!

On Sunday, May 16, Sutton Volunteer Centre (CAB Sutton) signed an agreement with the congregation of Olivet Baptist Church, on Maple Street, which officially donates to them the building in the plan to make it its future Maison des Générations—Olivet House. The Mayor of Sutton, Michel Lafrance, was present to act as a witness during the signatures. Accompanied by the Director general, Pascal Smith, and the recreation, community life and culture coordinator, Élizabeth Deit, he congratulated, on behalf of The Town of Sutton, the generous donors and the entire CAB team for this event which marks the deep social and community commitment of our municipality.

Mayor Michel Lafrance’s signature in the presence of Olivet Church Pastor, Alex Lobach, and his wife Kiki Busch.



Read the CAB Sutton press release. Photo credit Mikaël Theimer

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