Last call to join our new Advisory Committee on Sustainable Mobility !
The new Advisory Committee on Sustainable Mobility is looking to recruit five citizen members: are you ready to offer a little of your time and enthusiasm to promote sustainable mobility in Sutton?
The creation of this committee was announced at the November 1 municipal council meeting. It falls within the framework of the Family and Seniors Policy and its 2023-2027 action plan, in which several objectives require the advice of an advisory committee on active mobility and pedestrian safety, among other things.
Mobility and sustainability
Mobility is the ability and potential of people and goods to move or be moved locally and between regions. It is the foundation of social, economic and cultural exchanges between individuals, companies and societies.
To be sustainable, mobility must be efficient, safe, long-lasting, equitable, integrated into the environment and compatible with human health and ecosystems;
Sustainable mobility limits the consumption of space and resources, provides and facilitates access, including access to natural environments, promotes economic dynamism, improves the population’s quality of life, is socially responsible and respects the integrity of the environment.
Committee’s mandate
One of the committee’s functions is to give advice and make recommendations, at the request of the municipal council or the municipal administration, on specific issues and dossiers relating to sustainable mobility. In line with this function and the mandate given, committee members study and make recommendations to Council on issues such as active mobility, pedestrian and user safety, local traffic and public transit.
The committee reports to the Town Council. It has no decision-making powers.
Recruitment procedures
The Advisory Committee on Sustainable Mobility is made up of seven members appointed for a two-year term by the Council: two members of the Town Council and five citizens chosen from among Sutton residents.
The Committee meets regularly six times a year. Members must be available to attend face-to-face meetings at mutually convenient times. They may also meet on an ad hoc basis, according to the needs of the municipal council or administration.
Candidates must be 18 years of age or older, and willing to contribute to the realization of the committee’s mandate.
If you are interested in becoming a member of this committee, please send your name, mailing address, e-mail address and a brief cover letter (one page maximum) by e-mail to [email protected] before Sunday, December 3, 2023.
Thank you in advance for your interest in contributing to the activities of this committee and to the advancement of sustainable mobility!
Resolution on the constitution of the advisory committee on sustainable mobility (In French only)