An exhibition in tribute to Sutton’s textile heritage at the Arts Sutton Gallery

Until April 14, the Art Sutton Gallery presents the exhibition Anamnèse, retour à la mémoire du passé vécu et oublié (Anamnesis, Returning to the Memory of the Lived and Forgotten Past) of the multidisciplinary artist Anne Billy.

The artist patiently collected objects from various flea markets, such as spinning wheels, reels, weaving shuttles, knitting needles and pairs of scissors, which she cleaned, worked, transformed and reinterpreted, in order to give birth to a dialogue, a story between them.

Some works have been produced thanks to the Filtex Fund created by Héritage Sutton to preserve the memory of the former employees of this spinning mill, which has now disappeared and is closely linked to the history of Sutton.

Arts Sutton Gallery
Thursday to Sunday, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
7, rue Academy, Sutton
[email protected]