Financial statements 2019

Every year, the Town of Sutton prepares the financial report for the period January 1st to December 31st. It is tabled at the public meeting of the Town Council following completion of an independent audit. The financial report must conform to the norms of the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Habitation (MAMH) regarding the presentation of municipal financial information. The report presents financial details of the municipality including:
• Assets.
• Liabilities.
• Revenues.
• Operational charges .
• Expenses and income related to asset acquisition.

The financial report for the 2019 financial year was tabled at the ordinary meeting of the municipal council of July 6th, 2020 with an explanatory presentation. The mayor made his report to the citizens of the key facts from the financial report, and the independent auditor’s report.

The public may ask questions of the independent auditor concerning the 2019 financial report at the ordinary meeting of the August, 3rd 2020. You are asked to send question by July 24th, 2020 to [email protected] with the word “Auditor” or “Financial statements 2019” as the subject line.

You can consult the following documents: