Fire Hall Open House for Fire Prevention Week

Saturday, October 15, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., your public safety department opens its doors for Fire Prevention Week!

You will be able to visit the fire station, discover its equipment and hear valuable fire prevention tips. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the work of firefighters and first responders!

They are waiting for you in great numbers!

Fire Prevention Week October 9-15, 2022

Fire Prevention Week is always held in early October, during the full week that includes October 9, in both the United States and Canada. This commemorates the great Chicago fire of October 9, 1871, which resulted in 250 deaths, 100,000 people left homeless and 17,400 buildings destroyed. In Quebec, the first Fire Prevention Week was held in 1990.

This year, the theme of Fire Prevention Week is “You are the First Person in Charge”. This theme, which is repeated for the fourth year in a row, aims to make citizens aware of their responsibilities with regard to fire risks in general.

You are invited to consult the Government of Quebec’s website to learn more about Fire Prevention Week and the many preventive tips suggested. They are there to remind you of the best practices to follow in your homes to prevent fires and ensure your safety, as well as that of your family and the people around you.

Every detail counts in fire prevention! Be vigilant, it saves lives!

If you have any questions, you can reach the fire prevention team at 450-538-2290 or by email at [email protected].