Press release – Welcome financing by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for the Les habitations affordable Sutton project
Sutton, March 29, 2021 — The Town of Sutton is delighted to announce that it has been awarded a grant of $304,272 from the Ministre des Affaires municipales et de l’Habitation (MAMH – Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing), Ms. Andrée Laforest, for the purposes of completing the financing of the housing project Les habitations abordables Sutton.
This government subsidy will increase the financial participation of the Town of Sutton and thus accelerate the realization of the construction of 18 affordable housing units on Principale Sud Street. The housing project, which is part of the AccèsLogis Québec program of the Société d’habitation du Québec (SHQ), was submitted by the non-profit organization, Les habitations abordables Sutton.
“The lack of affordable housing, especially for families, is one of the Town’s most pressing issues and this project is a key element in tackling it,” said Michel Lafrance, Mayor of Sutton. “Construction costs have increased enormously but thanks to this grant, the Town can increase its financial participation to $812 583, which should allow the project to be carried out without any additional costs to its taxpayers. I would like to thank the Minister and the SHQ for their support, as well as all the board members of Les habitations abordables Sutton who have worked for so long on this project.”
The MAMH grant is being given to the Town of Sutton on the condition that the grant is an addition to the financial support already promised by the Town, namely the purchase of land for $101,000 and a donation to the project corresponding to a financial contribution of $37,000 for expenses related to the land plus a tax exemption of $370,311 across a period of 25 years. The funds will be disbursed upon issuance of the definitive SHQ commitment, expected later this year.
A resolution confirming the acceptance of the agreement between the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Société d’habitation du Québec and the Town of Sutton was adopted at a special council meeting on March 29, 2021.