REMINDER: Don’t forget to vote for your preferred Participatory Budget projects!

Voting for the first edition of Sutton’s participatory budget, either online via the voting form or in person, is open until 22 October.

Voting booths at the market and in Glen Sutton this weekend

This Saturday, October 14th, there will be an in person voting booth at the Sutton Market, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and on Sunday, October 15th at the Vivarté Church in Glen Sutton, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

You can also vote in person, at any time during their opening hours, at the Sutton Tourism Office and the Sutton Municipal and School Library.

List of eligible projects

Detailed descriptions of the projects can be found in the table of submitted and eligible projects on the Dream Sutton web site here.

Please note that certain modifications, such as the location of the project, may have been made in the final list of projects below, following certain discussions between the committee and the project leaders.