Participatory budget: you have until June 29 to submit your project

A few projects have already been submitted by citizens as part of the Town of Sutton’s first participatory budget. and there is still time to submit yours! The deadline is June 29 at noon.

Participatory budget: what is it?

The Town of Sutton has set aside a total of $50,000 from its investment budget for its first participatory budget. Thanks to this democratic process, Sutton citizens can propose projects according to the game rules defined by the Quality of Life Advisory Committee. Next October, citizens aged 10 and over will be able to vote for the project(s) of their choice.  The total cost of the chosen project(s) (scheduled for completion in 2024) must not exceed $50,000.

Submit a project

To be eligible to vote, all projects must be submitted using the appropriate form, which you can :

  • complete it online on the Rêvons Sutton website,
  • print it out yourself (printable template) or
  • pick up a paper copy at the Town Hall (11, rue Principale Sud) or at the Sutton Tourist Bureau (27, rue Principale Nord).

In all cases, you must submit your form (online or dropped off at Town Hall) before noon on June 29. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to write to the committee in charge of the participatory budget project at

All information on the participatory budget is available in French and English on the Dream Sutton website, and paper versions of the main documents are also available at the Tourist Office or at Town Hall.