REMINDER: Participatory Budgeting ideas generation workshop on May 13, 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Participatory budgeting means Sutton citizens can propose projects and later this fall, vote for their favourite which the Town will realize in 2024.

Following the two information sessions, a Frequently asked questions document was posted online on (Participatory budgeting tab). You will find all of the questions and answers exchanged between the participants and presentators. Consult it to prepare your own project.

The IDEAS GENERATION WORKSHOP is to be held Saturday, May 13 at 9:30 a.m., in Town Hall’s community room (1st floor, side entrance). Its objective is to help generate new ideas for projects, to further develop existing project ideas and to create links between similar projects, citizens, and generations. We hope to welcome many participants!

As a reminder, citizens can get involved:

  • A little: by staying informed ( and voting later this fall for their favorite projects
  • Moderately: by helping other citizens develop their project through their participation in the IDEA WORKSHOP
  • A lot: by submitting a project themselves (a simple form is required: it’s very easy!)

All the Participatory Budgeting information is available on the website in both French and English. Paper versions of key documents in both languages are available at the Tourist Information Office and Town Hall.