The municipal pool officially opens on Saturday, June 24!

The municipal swimming pool is finally opening for the season, and we look forward to welcoming you on Saturday! Here are the opening times and information on the new diving ban.

Special schedule for Fête nationale du Québec

To celebrate the Fête nationale du Québec, the municipal pool will be open for free swims on Saturday, June 24 and Sunday, June 25.

Regular schedule

The municipal pool will then open for the regular schedule on Tuesday June 27. Due to labor shortages, the pool will be closed on Mondays. Free swim will therefore be possible from Tuesday to Sunday.

Different free swims are offered this year:

  • Free swims: open to everyone
  • Adult free swim: free swim for adults in the shallow end of the pool, to cool off.
  • Lap swims: for ages 13 and up, with swim lanes to get moving and practice

Update on municipal pool rules: no diving allowed

Although the Règlement sur la sécurité dans les bains publics does not regulate diving from the edge of a pool, the Lifesaving Society issues standards and recommendations on the subject to increase safety in aquatic facilities.

Following a review of the standards and recommendations for diving in public swimming pools, it will no longer be permitted to dive from the edge of the Sutton municipal pool, including in the deep end.

This decision was taken to ensure the safety of all swimmers and to reduce the risk of diving-related injury.

Our lifeguards are always available to answer any questions you may have!

We wish you a great summer at the pool!