Under lockdown this year, there will be a different take on the Annual Food Drive

Sutton, November 19th, 2020. – This year, the annual Food Drive organized by the Sutton Volunteer Centre (CAB) will be held differently. That being said, it will still take place! Given that demand for food has doubled during the confinement period, and remains higher than ever to this day, CAB is appealing to the generosity of the community.

However, like many other organizations, due to the pandemic and to health measures currently in place, CAB was forced to cancel its door-to-door and food bank collection. This year, in order to protect the health of thirty-odd volunteers and the public, only cash donations will be accepted during the Food Drive, which will take place from December 7th to 12th, 2020. Donors can make a donation by cheque or online via the secure CanadaHelps portal.

“Cancelling the Food Drive was a very difficult decision,” says Janna Hubacek, CAB Director. “That said, we need to protect the health and well-being of our volunteers, including the food bank team and the Knights of Columbus, who are always working hard to make the holiday season enjoyable for families and people in need. We just don’t have the space to respect social distancing.”

Did you know that…

  • CAB has been working for over 35 years to improve the social fabric of the communities of Sutton and Abercorn by offering services and supporting volunteer opportunities?
  • The organization’s food bank distributes more than $40,000 in food to more than 120 households each year, and that a third of the people served are children?
  • CAB is a vibrant space boasting a hundred volunteers who devote more than 3,000 hours per year and 3 outreach workers who serve families, seniors, the English-speaking population, and people in vulnerable situations?
  • In addition to the food bank, CAB also offers meals-on-wheels, a collective kitchen, homework help, a family resource, and a 50+ resource centre?

For further information, please consult CAB Sutton’s web site: https://cabsutton.com/

Janna Hubacek, CAB Director
450 538-1919
450 242-1302