Entry into force of the new 2023-2030 residual materials management plan for the MRC of Brome-Missisquoi
After more than two years of work, the MRC of Brome-Missisquoi brought into force its third version of the Residual Materials Management Plan (RMMP) on October 23rd, 2023. The MRC will use this plan as a tool to implement numerous actions aimed at reducing the disposal of materials from its territory.
Why revise the RMMP?
Under the Environment Quality Act, MRCs are responsible for planning the management of residual materials on their territory, every 7 years. The RMMP therefore had to be revised to meet this obligation. This plan aims to achieve the objectives of the Plan d’action 2019-2024 of RECY-QUÉBEC as well as of the Politique québécoise de gestion des matières résiduelles and the Stratégie de valorisation de la matière organique from the government of Québec. The fundamental objective: to eliminate only ultimate waste material! The RMMP applies to all 21 municipalities of the territory and covers all generators, including the residential sector, the industrial, commercial and institutional enterprises (ICI) as well as the construction, renovation and demolition (CRD) sector.
Consultation process
The revision of the RMMP was carried out by putting the participation of citizens, the 21 municipalities, businesses and various local stakeholders at the heart of the process. This consultation made it possible to identify issues and difficulties experienced by the population in terms of managing residual materials in the territory, in addition to finding ways to limit waste production that truly meet their needs.
During this important process for the MRC, many consultations were carried out to allow the creation of the plan:
- Five meetings with targeted groups and key players in the community, such as green citizen
committees, the Committee of enterprises in sustainable development (TEDD), the Zone-Éco,
municipal employees and the recycling sorting centre; - Two surveys targeting citizens and ICIs which reached 644 and 435 participants respectively;
- A multi-sector workshop bringing together approximately 60 participants including citizens,
entrepreneurs, elected officials, members of institutions, organizations and the construction,
renovation and demolition (CRD) sector; - A public assembly.
Summary of the quantitative objectives of this new RMMP
The objectives to be achieved by the MRC, in line with the Plan d’action 2019-2024, are as follows:
- Recycle and recover 70% of construction, renovation and demolition waste by 2029;
- Recycle 75% of paper, cardboard, glass, plastic and metal by 2030;
- Reduce the quantity of materials disposed per capita to 525 kg or less by 2030.
The objectives to be achieved by the MRC, in line with the Stratégie de valorisation de la matière organique, are as follows:
- Establish organic waste management on 100% of the municipal territory by 2026;
- Manage organic waste in 100% of industries, commerces and institutions by 2027;
- Recycle or recover 70% of organic waste by 2029.
Action plan
To achieve these objectives, the MRC is proposing a series of 29 measures to be implemented over the next few years. Each of the measures is presented in line with current issues and challenges targeted in the territory and includes several means of implementation. The MRC invites the population to consult the 2023-2030 Action Plan found in the new version of the RMMP available on the MRC’s website: https://www.mrcbm.qc.ca/en/projects/residual-materials-management-plan-rmmp.