Give Your Opinion Regarding Animal Control By-Law RM 410

The Town of Sutton is in the process of updating By-Law RM 410 concerning the control of animals and wants the opinion of its citizens regarding two items in particular: sterilization of dogs and cats, and the keeping of hens.

Why is the by-law being modified?

The draft of new By-Law RM 410 was tabled at the council meeting on Monday, December 7. The purpose of the modification is to:

  • Comply with the MRC’s requirement for municipalities to update their animal control by-law in line with that proposed by the MRC;
  • Have a single regulation (RM 410) concerning animal control. This means that existing provisions of By-Law number 226 concerning animals, have been integrated into the proposed modification of By-Law 410 – especially the section relating to kennels, catteries, pounds and domestic boarding. By-Law number 226 will become redundant and then deleted;
  • Create the possibility of adding new provisions concerning hens and henhouses and dog and cat sterilization. These provisions currently do not exist in the Town of Sutton municipal regulations.

Hens and Henhouses

Commercial chicken farming on agricultural farms is governed by the Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ). The possession of laying hens by individuals, whether in rural or urban areas, is the responsibility of the municipality. The Town of Sutton has long tolerated ownership of hens because of the agricultural tradition of our territory. However, as hen keeping is becoming more and more popular it is time introduce regulations to ensure good sanitary and environmental conditions and harmonious relations between neighbours.

Your Opinion Is important

The Council wishes to adopt a modified version of By-Law RM 410 that, as much as possible, reflects the concerns and interests of citizens. You can read the full text of the draft modified By-Law 410 HERE (available only in French).

Please answer the two questions below by January 15, 2021.
Thank you in advance for your participation which will guide the decisions of the Council!


If you cannot complete the questionnaire online or want to make more detailed comments, you can drop off your response at the Town Hall, send it by post or email to [email protected] with subject line: RM 410.