Hilo’s exclusive smart home service offer starts Monday, November 2!

As announced last week, the Hilo smart home service by Hydro-Québec is being offered this month at no cost to eligible Sutton residents, with the aim of optimizing their electricity consumption and earning cash rewards. The offer is valid during the registration period, from November 6 to 22, 2023.

Sutton is one of the 7 municipalities targeted by this unique offer in the Eastern Townships, where the full operation of infrastructures and the increase in demand for electricity are causing congestion on the Hydro-Québec network during peak periods.

Over forty people attended the public information meeting held in Sutton on Thursday evening, where two project representatives answered numerous questions from the public. Hilo project managers are hoping to sign up at least 400 Sutton homes to the smart home service, so that it can make a significant difference to network pressure.

We need your help to relieve pressure on the power grid in the Eastern Townships! ⚡

Link to Hilo’s exclusive offer for Sutton: click HERE.

The Hilo offer in Sutton: don’t wait!

Offer* includes:

  • starter kit;
  • up to 20 smart thermostats;
  • free installation by a certified electrician.

The benefits:

  • By reducing your energy consumption, you save on your electricity costs;
  • By taking up Hilo’s consumption reduction challenges, you help reduce pressure on the network during peak winter periods.
  • Plus, you can earn an average of $140 in cash rewards*** per winter and save up to 15%** on your annual electricity bill.


  • The promotional code is not transferable.
  • The order will be cancelled without notice if the customer does not reside in one of the seven municipalities covered by this offer.
* With a three-year agreement.
** On average, for a customer who switches from bimetal thermostats (with a dial) to the Hilo smart solution and applies the recommendations.
*** Average rewards received by customers who participated in the 19 Hilo challenges during winter 2022–2023.

Get smart with Hilo!

Hilo offers a turnkey smart home service. It’s simple: use only the energy you need and earn cash rewards.

  • Personalize your smart home based on your needs with smart appliances (free appliances available to Sutton residents, subject to conditions).
  • Adjust and remotely program your smart devices (thermostats, outlets, switches and more) using an intuitive mobile app.
  • Optimize your energy use and save up to 15% on your annual electricity bill.
  • Earn cash rewards by completing Hilo challenges – averaging $140 each winter.

For further information, please contact Hilo:
By phone: 438 289-4456 (HILO) or 1 844 500-4456 (toll-free) Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
By Facebook/Messenger: Hilo: smart energy (in French only)