Nutrition Month: Discover food security initiatives in Sutton!

March is Nutrition Month, and one of its objectives is to highlight the importance of good nutrition for our health and well-being. This week, we present food safety initiatives in Sutton.

A key element of healthy eating is food security, i.e. that “everyone, at all times, has access to a sufficient quantity of healthy and nutritious food to lead a healthy and active life, and to ensure adequate growth and development for their children”[1].

Unfortunately, in the Eastern Townships, “young people seem to be more affected than their elders [by food insecurity].»[2]

Thankfully, in Sutton, there are many initiatives put in place by the Centre d’action bénévole (CAB) Sutton and Racine pop, which contribute to everyone’s food security through different approaches. Discover them and share the information!

Healthy food distribution and waste reduction

CAB Sutton has two initiatives that reduce food waste while ensuring the distribution of healthy food:

  • The food bank provides healthy food assistance on a monthly basis. This free service is available to Sutton and Abercorn residents, upon registration, on the third Monday of the month, from 1 to 4 p.m.
Photo : CAB Sutton
  • The food rescue table distributes a variety of fresh produce as well as frozen meals! Donations come from community partners and local farms. Visit the CAB every Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. from May to October.

Affordable meal options

Through various initiatives, students at Sutton School have access to affordable meals and snacks:

  • Racine pop, the organization operating the Sutton School cafeteria service, has been an accredited caterer of the La cantine pour tous program since September 2023. Through this program, the price of a meal varies from $1 to $6, depending on the parent’s income. Meals can also be provided free of charge, up to three times a week, to low-income families. This is made possible by the Christian Vachon Foundation.
  • CAB Sutton offers a school snack program. Every week, a healthy snack is offered to students in the homework assistance program. The CAB also helps students in need of a healthy meal with a lunch program in partnership with the school cafeteria.

CAB Sutton also distributes meals to seniors, people with reduced mobility, people recovering from illness and new mothers in Sutton and Abercorn:

  • Meals on Wheels volunteers deliver a hot lunch right to your door three days a week. he lunch includes a soup, a main course, and a dessert for $5.
Photo : CAB Sutton

Learning about food: producing and processing food

CAB Sutton also focuses on educational aspects, where food production and processing are combined with pleasure and discovery. In particular, through :

  • The intergenerational garden : educational garden at École de Sutton, run by volunteers;
  • The Collective Kitchen : made up of 4 to 6 people, participants will have the opportunity to choose recipes and prepare meals together.

To learn more or to register for one of the services offered, visit the Centre d’action bénévole (CAB) Sutton and Racine pop websites.

[1] Translated from : (page consulted on March 7, 2024)
[2] Translated from : Bulletin d’information de la Direction de santé publique de l’Estrie, Numéro 71, décembre 2023, p.3 (page consulted on March 7, 2024) :