Stormwater discharge study to come
The Town of Sutton has authorized Watershed Consulting to conduct a study of our stormwater management system in the Missisquoi River watershed. The analysis will begin on November 15 and run until spring 2024.
The Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Study is funded entirely by a grant. Its objective is to identify and eliminate potential sources of pollution in drainage systems that drain into the Missisquoi River. It will involve surveying and mapping the stormwater systems in our affected territory. With this information and map, the Town of Sutton’s Public Works and Fixed Assets Department will be able to identify areas at risk and improve the quality of our stormwater management.
Team in the field
Watershed Consulting technicians will scour the area, examining catchment areas and pipes, and taking water samples. They will perform water quality tests on our stormwater management systems. In addition to effluent, these systems include catchbasins, pipes, culverts, swales, and stormwater outfalls.
The team of field technicians will wear high-visibility yellow vests. They will hold a letter of authorization from the Town of Sutton. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this study, please contact Titouan Valentin Perriollat, Director of Public Works and Fixed Assets for the Town of Sutton, at 450-538-2290 or by e-mail at [email protected].