Updating of the urban plan: clarification on the process
For immediate release
Sutton, May 28, 2021—Following the citizen participation session that took place last Wednesday evening concerning the revision of the urban plan, the council and the administration of the Town of Sutton would like to give an update to the participants and the population in general concerning a process that has raised many reactions. The large number of participants, proportional to the size of our municipality, demonstrates the great mobilization of citizens on the issue of urban planning and development of our territory, which we can only congratulate ourselves collectively.
The session—which proved to be our first online public consultation exercise of this magnitude—yielded a great deal of feedback, despite some unfortunate technical problems, which will be taken into account. However, it also highlighted the need for a self-evaluation of the process. For this reason, Council and the General Management, in collaboration with the urban planning consultants Stantec, wish to review certain elements of the process, including the timeline related to the expected results.
However, the revision process of the urban plan remains totally relevant, since our municipality must periodically redefine the major orientations according to new issues and new opportunities. These orientations must respond to current and concrete problems such as the water supply and the development of the mountain sector, the access to housing for the families and workers of Sutton, or the revitalization of the agricultural territory. They must also have the consent of the population. In this perspective, the Town of Sutton hopes to see the emergence of a new urban plan that will be the pride of our community and from which an adapted and clear regulation will result.
While waiting to provide the revised steps of this process, we invite the citizens to consult the new section dedicated to the revision of the urban plan, which has been added to the home page of the town’s website and will be regularly updated with practical and useful information on the process.
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Isabelle Capmas
Communications Coordinator
[email protected]
Tel.: 450 538-2290 ext. 227