Watering ban – Preventive measures to come

As announced last April, the municipality of Sutton is facing water supply problems in the mountain sector, particularly during low water periods (winter and summer). The Town, in collaboration with the MRC, has therefore implemented certain measures, including a freeze on new construction in this sector.

To avoid possible service disruptions, including the drying up of its water supply system, the Town will also apply preventive measures to restrict the consumption of drinking water in the mountains.

Watering ban

In concrete terms, we will alert residents as soon as we notice that the municipal reservoirs are not filling up to meet the demand for water: a public notice will then be issued prohibiting all watering.

This prohibition will prevent anyone who resides on the mountain and is connected to the municipal water system from watering their lawns and plants, filling their pools or washing their vehicles and driveways. Tickets may be issued in accordance with the Drinking Water Use By-law Number 217.

Incentives to reduce our water consumption in general will also be put in place in the near future for the benefit of all our citizens. 

We thank you for your cooperation in helping us protect your drinking water.