Inauguration of the Poem Cocoon in the D’Arts et de rêves cultural park on May 28

The Poem Cocoon is ready to receive you! This beautiful cultural mediation project that we talked about last March 25 (read the news) has been completed and invites the whole population to its inauguration on Saturday, May 28, at the D’Arts et de rêves cultural park.

Great citizen’s citoyenne

The event will begin at 2:00 p.m. with a festive citizens’ parade led by Ms. Zazou, a shepherd clown who will guide the participants from Town Hall to the D’Arts et de rêves cultural park where the collective work of art has been installed. Take part in the parade and dress up in your best colorful, glittery or costumed attire! Bring your rattles, your trumpets or your flute to make this celebration an unforgettable cultural moment for our village!

The project

Since last March, citizens of Sutton have been participating in the Poem Cocoon project, conceived and animated by writer Marie Clark. Children, teenagers and adults, including seniors, have participated in free poetry initiation workshops during which they have each composed a short text about the restoration of the links of our community which, post-COVID, needs to do itself good. These personal texts, transposed onto clay slabs during a ceramics workshop at the Café-atelier Amaranthe, have become an unusual collective work that will be on display for visitors to the D’Arts et de rêves cultural park starting May 28. The cocoon where the clay poems will be hung is a living structure made of willow stems and plants, a work by artist Paulette Vanier.

The partners

This cultural mediation project was made possible thanks to a grant from the CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS and the support of the community and cultural organizations D’Arts et de rêves, the Sutton Volunteer Centre (CAB), the Parc d’environment naturel de Sutton (PENS) as well as the recreation, community life and culture department of the Town of Sutton. The partners would like to thank Marie Clark without whom this artistic creation project would not have been possible. They also thank Nathalie Désilets, owner of the Café-Atelier Amaranthe where the poems were engraved, and Paulette Vanier who allowed her work of art to be invested with the creations of the project participants..