Traffic calming project to reduce speed on Mountain and Western North streets

In the wake of the speed limit measures recommended by the Speed Sub-Committee and adopted by Council—see news item of July 9—a complementary pilot project will be undertaken in the next few weeks on Mountain and Western North Streets.

Of the various strategies for managing vehicle speeds, the most effective is “traffic calming” which involves changing the physical design of the street to force drivers to slow down. In this perspective, the Public Works Department has ordered three rubber speed humps and five in-street speed reduction signs. Delivery time is approximately six weeks.

They will be installed as follows:

  • Mountain Street: between Principale Street and Grenier Street, two speed humps and two in-street 30 km/h speed reduction sign.
  • Western Street North:
    • At the level of the Goyette-Hill Park parking lot: one speed hump and one in-street 30 km/h speed reduction sign.
    • At the intersection with Principale Street: one in-street 30 km/h speed reduction sign.
    • At the intersection with Route 215: one in-street 30 km/h speed reduction sign.

These two streets were chosen for the pilot project because of the large number of children who live on them or who use them. If these measures have the desired effect, i.e. effective speed control and little disturbance for the residents, particularly in terms of noise, the project could become permanent and be extended to other streets next year.