Leisure and community

Survey of potential sites for the installation of new bike racks in Sutton

1 September 2022

Do you bike in Sutton and find that one or more bike racks are missing on your route? The Town of Sutton will be installing…

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EXTENSION of the exceptional closure of the municipal pool until Tuesday

15 August 2022

As announced on Friday, the municipal pool is unfortunately closed due to an outbreak of COVID-19 among the staff. We thought we would be able…

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Exceptional closure of the municipal pool this weekend

12 August 2022

Unfortunately, due to an outbreak of COVID-19 among the staff of the Sutton municipal pool, we are obliged to close the pool from today, Friday,…

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“Poésie buissonnière” back on the PENS trails on August 20 and 21

9 August 2022

Poésie buissonnière will be back on the Village-Mountain trail in Sutton on Saturday and Sunday, August 20 and 21. Two free and poetic tours (in…

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Sutton is crowned the most active community in Quebec!

26 July 2022

– PRESS RELEASE – Sutton has won ParticipACTION’s Community Better Challenge at the provincial level: it is therefore crowned the most active community in Quebec…

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National drowning prevention week: Get informed!

20 July 2022

To promote the 29th edition of National drowning prevention week (NDPW), the Town of Sutton’s lifeguards will be hosting an information booth on water safety.…

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Thursday, June 30: final day of ParticipACTION’s Together, Everything’s Better Challenge!

29 June 2022

ParticipACTION’s Community Better Challenge is coming to an end this Thursday, June 30th, but we can already say: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! A huge congratulations to the…

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The Fête nationale du Québec in Sutton: a great success!

29 June 2022

You were at the rendezvous of our festivities of the Fête nationale du Québec 2022 with your smiles, your energy and your participation! Nearly 400…

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Tuesday June 28th at 5 p.m. : rendez-vous for Sutton Dance in the village!

27 June 2022

We told you about it in our June 17th news : here is the last opportunity to collectively add minutes for Sutton in  PartipACTION’s Community…

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A distinguished guest at the Fête nationale du Québec in Sutton

23 June 2022

The Town of Sutton is proud to announce that Mrs. Isabelle Charest, MNA for Brome-Missisquoi, Minister responsible for Education and Minister responsible for the Status…

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