
Deployment of optical fibre—update as of November 15, 2021

17 November 2021

IHR Télécom has released its latest update. Here are the advances highlighted by IHR with its November calendar update: In Dunham, the high speed Internet…

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Tree Trimming by IHR Telecom

22 October 2021

IHR Telecom wishes to advise residents of the municipalities it serves that some pruning is sometimes required on certain roads in order to complete its…

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Deployment of optical fibre—update as of October 18, 2021

19 October 2021

IHR Télécom has released its latest update. Here are the advances highlighted by IHR with its October calendar update: Their teams continue to work hard…

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School sector changes: the CSS du Val-des-Cerfs holds public meetings

13 October 2021

The Centre de services scolaires du Val-des-Cerfs informs parents of students and the population of a public information session on October 20th and a public…

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Happy Thanksgiving!

8 October 2021
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A welcome kit for our new residents

8 October 2021

New residents who have moved to Sutton since January 2020 are invited to pick up their welcome kit at the Sutton Tourism Office. The bag…

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The Town of Sutton is a fan of Connor Macey!

30 July 2021

The young hockey player Connor Macey, a native of Sutton, was drafted at the end of June by the Shawinigan Cataractes in the seventh round…

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Photo contest for the national holiday of Quebec

8 June 2021

The Town of Sutton is organizing a photo re-enactment contest on the occasion of the Fête Nationale du Québec 2021. In the spirit of this day which…

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Notice from our Public Security Department

21 May 2021

Burning permit issuance is suspended until further notice due to the dry weather.  Open fires are therefore prohibited on Sutton’s territory. However, fires in a…

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Postponement of the Museum’s flea market and silent auction which was scheduled for Saturday, May 15

14 May 2021

The return of the Eastern Townships to the red zone forces us to postpone the flea market and silent auction at the Sutton Museum of…

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